Refund Policy
After ordering the product, you have the right to request a refund without giving any excuse until your product is on its way. (Which means 3-5 days usually. In some cases 1-3 days also possible). We cannot return your product without any excuse in the process after its departure.
The ones we accept as valid excuses are as follows; the product is damaged on the way due to a packaging error or a product different from the one you ordered has reached you. In order for these excuses to be valid, you must reach us via e-mail or message on our website within the first 14 days after the product reaches you. Otherwise, we cannot accept returns even if you have a valid excuse.
When creating a return request, you must send us the link of the product you ordered, the product package you received and the photos of the product or products in it. In addition, you must state your excuse. After evaluating your return request in the light of the information you have given us, if you have one of the valid excuses listed above and no fraudulent information is found in the information you sent, your return and refund process will be initiated. Your return and refund requests will not be accepted in cases of deliberately damaging the packaging in the photos or information you share with us, deliberately changing the product in the package and taking photos in that way, sharing information that is incompatible with the order information, and similar cases.
You can contact us via
In addition, if the product you ordered is not in the warehouse, you have the right to receive a different recommended product or to request a direct refund. If the product or any of the products you ordered is not in the warehouse, we reach you. In such cases, you should check the e-mail addresses you gave us and return to us. Your late return to the order support e-mails we sent will extend the time for your order to reach you.